Everything You Need to Know About Insurance Filing As A Motor Carrier

Have you wanted to file your insurance as a motor carrier, as a freight forwarder, or a broker but couldn’t understand how? Then this article is what you need.

Apart from applying operating authority, applicants for freight forwarder, motor carrier, and broker authorities must have specific legal processes and insurance agent documents on their files before the FMCSA issues them these authorities. 

These filings will vary, based on the registrations involved. There is a list of pre-registration forms below, and it’s followed by a description of which registrants must file those forms. 

If you’re insurance filing for the first time, then please note that first-time applicants with FMCSA need to apply using the Unified Registration System (URS) as of December 12, 2015. 

However, existing registration-holders or authority-holders may apply for authorities using the OP-series forms until a later date. The FMCSA has published a Federal Register notice on the 17th of January with more details on the suspension of the URS effectiveness date.

Furthermore, you may submit cargo insurance and liability forms directly/online through the home office of the insurance company that is furnishing the coverage. The FMCSA does not provide insurance forms’ copies.

Requirements for Insurance Filing

FormDescriptionAuthorities Subject to Filing
BMC-91 or BMC-91XPublic liability insurance (bodily injury/property damage/environmental restoration)Motor CarrierFreight Forwarder (Note: Non-vehicle operating freight forwarders may seek a waiver of this requirement)
Freight: $750,000 – $5,000,000, depending on commodities transported; $300,000 for non-hazardous freight moved only in vehicles weighing under 10,001 lbsPassengers: $5,000,000; $1,500,000 for registrants operating only vehicles with a seating capacity of 15 or fewer passengers.
BMC-34 or BMC-83Cargo insurance–$5,000 per vehicle$10,000 per occurrenceIn addition to BMC-91 or BMC-91XHousehold Goods Motor CarrierHousehold Goods Freight Forwarder
BMC-84 or BMC-85The Surety Bond amount is $75,000Trust Fund Agreement amount is $75,000Freight ForwarderBroker of Freight
BOC-3Service of Process AgentsAll Authorities
MCS-90Endorsement for Motor Carrier Policies of Insurance for Public Liability under Sections 29 and 30 of the Motor Carrier Act of 1980Hazmat Safety Permit Carriers

Insurance Filing and You 

You should be prepared to contact your agents to request the filing of the required forms immediately after obtaining your designated docket number. These filings must be received within 90 days after the FMCSA has published a public notice of intention to register you as an applicant (applicants will be notified by letter of their docket number and date of publication in the FMCSA Register).

Applicants are cautioned to ensure that the name and address of the business as set out in all pre-registration filings match with the same name and address provided in their application for operating authority filings. 

Any deviations will result in the rejection of the supplemental pre-registration filings.

Where Should I Go For My Insurance Filing?

Insurance companies are to file forms BMC-91, 91X, 34, and 84. While financial institutions need to file form BMC-85

Only insurers (insurance underwriters, that is), not insurance agents, and financial institutions can establish e-filer accounts to electronically file insurance forms (BMC-91,91X, 34, 84, 85, and others). These filer accounts are exclusively designated for financial institutions and insurance underwriters.

You can visit this link to see a template at the end of the page to set up your electronic filing account. It has been specifically designed to efficiently gather all necessary information required for the establishment of your account.

It’s suggested that the completed template be copied and pasted onto your company letterhead and attached as a PDF to be submitted to the Financial Responsibility Filings Division. Application documents will only be accepted via postal mail or email at FMSCAInsurance@dot.gov, using an official company e-mail address. 

Please ensure that all fields in the provided template are completed accurately and comprehensively. Failure to provide complete information may result in delays in processing your account set-up request. Once the required information is completed and gathered, you can submit e-filer applications to FMCSAInsurance@dot.gov.

Process Agent Designation and Insurance Filing

Public liability Insurance (Form BMC-91 or BMC 91X) and cargo insurance forms (Form BMC-34 or BMC83) are to be submitted electronically by a registered electronic filer (a representative of a surety company, insurance company, or a financial institution.) FMCSA does not furnish copies of these insurance forms.

This is the link to the site that has the forms for process agents and insurance.

Summing Insurance Filing Up

By following the aforementioned steps, you;ll able to get your form(s) submitted to the FMCSA in the required manner, but they’ll also be read and pursued by the FMCSA.

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